The Special Needs Activity Program has won several awards. It is also a site of research for undergraduate and graduate projects that have been published nationally and internationally.

Maureen Connolly
Dr. Maureen Connolly is the creator and a Professor in the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences at Brock University. She has received the national teaching award and a 2009 Erasmus Mundus scholar. Maureen’s teaching and research include curriculum, stressed embodiment, dance & movement education, and Freirian approaches to teaching and learning that she applys in the SNAP program.

Snap Coordinators
A team of undergraduate students working together to plan, organize and implement ideas to the SNAP program. These group of students are incharge of scheduling schools for the program, training volunteers, running SNAP, and providing assistance to volunteers and educators on the day of SNAP.

Elyse Lappano
Experiential Learning Coordinator, Inclusive & Adaptive Physical Activity
Elyse has been involved with Special Needs Activity Program since 2008. Elyse has extensive experience working with individuals who possess diverse abilities and complexities in a variety of contexts. Her undergraduate and graduate work under the supervision of Dr. Maureen Connolly has enabled her to apply a variety of approaches to service provision in physical activity programming, that provides purposeful movement opportunities for persons with disabilities and under resourced groups.

* Committed graduate students or alumni who are working in the field professionally.
* Lifers provide support and mentorship to current SNAP coordinators.

Student Volunteers
• Undergraduate and graduate students
•Background in growth and development, motor learning, observation and analysis of movement, activity planning and progression skills( games, educational gymnastics, creative/expressive movement, outdoor activities, aquatics, general gross and fine motor skills)
•Knowledge of disabilities and APA an asset!