About US
At SNAP we implement an embedded curriculum and have a teaching and learning laboratory to see what works and what does not and for whom. We practice phrasing and feedback, observation and analysis of movement, progression and skill building across a variety of different dimension of movement competency (ie, stability, loco-motor, quality of movement [time, weight, space, flow], sending-receiving-retaining, gross and fine motor. We develop and enhance movement competency through play and sport and continue to provide a developmentally appropriate environment that also affords achievement and dignity.

Embedded Curriculum
Movement Education concepts, ie. Body, space, effort quality, and relationships with objects and others.
Conceptual learning and maximizing the stimulus value of the learning materials.
Parallel curriculum- skills that have to be learned to accompany things a person wants to do ( eg, bus ride, getting dressed/changing clothes)

SNAP allows future practitioners to practice working with children in meaningful instructional relationships. At SNAP we implement an embedded curriculum and have a teaching and learning laboratory to see what works and what does not and for whom. We practice phrasing and feedback, observe and analysis movement, practice skill building across a variety of different dimension of movement competency (ie, stability, loco-motor, quality, sending-receiving-retaining, gross and fine motor. Children are able to enhance their abilities through play and sport. We provide a developmentally appropriate environment that also affords achievement and dignity.

More Backstage Details
Activities based in observation of dominances and gaps in movement repertoire, ie. midline crossing, firm & sustained movement qualities, unstable and highly absorptive surfaces, backward directions, high and low levels, intense gross motor activity, time and space containers, low stim environment (lights, patterns, noise, odours, urgency)